This page sets forth a number of projects identified to reduce negatives in the community. This includes addressing law enforcement response to those negatives. For letters and other correspondence sent out to local law enforcement as well as others, national and state see Media.
Below is a list of currently identified projects. These recognize that we ought not simply complain while waiting on national leaders to resolve the problems; but, we ought to also work to resolve them devising solutions compatible with what national leaders do adjusting as the need arises.
A number of these projects deal with racial disparities as discussed at Projects Racial Components.
This initiative is not about blaming anyone person or any one race of people or other groups for people of all races and groups have shortcomings and inappropriate behaviour regarding these matters. All truth must rise!
Projects may simply involve bringing organizations together who are already working on the issue and compiling their obstacles and successes so as to render such centrally visible for all to ascertain.
Suggestions/recommendations on these projects and suggestions/recommendations for other projects are welcome.
Introductory Conference
TACLC Introductory Conference was held on March 11, 2017 under the name Texarkana Area Christian Leadership Conference. Theme was All Lives Matter with Special Focus on Blue and Black/White Lives Matter National Themes! Conference was held at Jamison Center of Kindness. Attendees were 23 persons representing themselves, religious organizations, nonprofits, for-profits, government, and community activists, etc. Speakers and attendees were from a variety of races, religions, denominations, and political viewpoints. The program for this conference may be found here. Speakers are listed on the program except for Kevin Schutte Assistant Chief of the Texarkana Texas Police Department who later became Texarkana Texas Police Chief. Texarkana Gazette did kindly print an article about the event as listed at TACLC March 11, 2017 Program Texarkana Gazette Article (HTML).
2020 Meetings
In 2020 a number of Zoom meetings under the title Texarkana Area Community Leadership Coalition were held during the Pandemic to discuss a variety of topics. Video of these meetings may be found at TACLC Facebook Page. Since then I have returned to the original name as the name is not problematic.
Currently Planned or Active Projects
Project In Planning Stage: Texarkana Area Local Law Enforcement Policies and Procedures Review
Project In Planning Stage: Texarkana Area Integration of Community Issues into Religious Education
Project In Planning Stage: Texarkana Area Education Through High School Achievement Gap Reconciliation
Project In Planning Stage: Texarkana Area Education Through High School Black and other Racial/Ethnicity History Celebration and Teaching Standard
Project In Planning Stage: Texarkana Area Racial Disproportionate Unemployment Reconciliation
Project In Planning Stage: Texarkana Area Racial Disproportionate Registered Business Reconciliation
Project In Planning Stage: Texarkana Area Racial Disproportionate Poverty Reconciliation